Fig 01 – CMS Legend
As one would normally do, I re-started the CMS in CMC and thought I was done. It worked well for a day or two, but I found that it was down again in CMC while it was showing as up in CCM on the BusinessObjects Production server. I repeated the same process and after few days, this problem occurred again.
So to resolve this, I had to turn on the trace. I will not be going in details of what the errors were and how I fixed them. My intention is to write about on how to turn on the trace which is a great feature and will help in solving many apparently unsolvable problems. So to turn on the CMS trace and capture the logs. I am presenting 2 ways for 2 different versions BO XI R2 and BO XI 3.0 and up.
BO XI R2: Append –trace in CMS command properties
1 Stop CMS
2 Append –trace at the end of the string in Command in Properties tab
Fig 02 - Appending Trace in CMS Properties
3 Restart the CMS
4 Now go to the location: Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 11.5\Logging
and check the logs in the Logging folder.
Fig 03 – CMS logs in Logging Folder
BO XI 3.0 and Above: This option is applicable to the BO XI 3.0. Enabling trace through BO_trace.ini (This option is mostly usefulfor optimization or debugging purposes.)
1 Stop the CMS
2 Locate file BO_trace.ini at this location C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects
Enterprise 12.0\Logging\logConfig
Note: A sample BO_trace.ini file can be found in the following locations after installing a build:
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\Logging\logConfig\BO_trace.ini
To turn on tracing using the BO_trace.ini file, the "active" setting within the file must be set to "true" (i.e. active=true). And append -traceinipath to any server command line
Note: By default all the log files will be placed in \BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\logging folder
I hope this will be helpful to somebody.
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