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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Transposing the Fields in SAP BW Transformation


The business records the daily exposure and positions into one record for a term. In my example, a term is for 10 days. So the record looks like this:

Transaction ID Date Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5
6465784/17/2011 432.00 606.002011.002169.00379.00

This means that I will have to come up with 10 key figures in SAP BW InfoProvider design which might not be a good design.

Target Design

I wanted to show this as 1 key figure and with another field that shows what day it is.

Transaction ID Date Day EndingPrice Per day
6465784/17/2011 01 432.00
6465784/17/2011 02 606.00
6465784/17/2011 03 2011.00
6465784/17/2011 04 2169.00
6465784/17/2011 05 379.00


The solution presented in here is following this Dataflow: Source System -> Write-Optimized DSO -> Standard DSO. The solution given below can be applied between the Transformation that exists between Write-Optimized and Standard DSO. This can be applied in any Transformations.

Fig 1: Dataflow

This can be extended up to 25 fields. After 15 fields, it might give you an error.

First Solution:

One way to do was to write Start Routine and End Routine in Transformation.

Fig 2: Transformation - Start and End Routine

The code might look like this but you will need to modify this depending on your needs:

Start Routine:

DATA: wa_source_package TYPE _ty_s_SC_1.

      wa_sp-/BIC/ZTRAN_ID = wa_source_package-/BIC/ZTRAN_ID.
      wa_sp-/BIC/ZDATE = wa_source_package-/BIC/ZDATE.
      wa_sp-/bic/ZPDP_DY1 = wa_source_package-/bic/ZPPD_DY1.
      wa_sp-/bic/ZPDP_DY2 = wa_source_package-/bic/ZPPD_DY2.
      wa_sp-/bic/ZPDP_DY3 = wa_source_package-/bic/ZPPD_DY3.
      wa_sp-/bic/ZPDP_DY3 = wa_source_package-/bic/ZPPD_DY3.
      wa_sp-/bic/ZPDP_DY4 = wa_source_package-/bic/ZPPD_DY4.
      wa_sp-/bic/ZPDP_DY5 = wa_source_package-/bic/ZPPD_DY5.

End Routine:


    lt_rp[] = RESULT_PACKAGE[].


      /BIC/ZTRAN_ID  = wa_rp-/BIC/ZTRAN_ID
      /BIC/ZDATE = wa_rp-/BIC/ZDATE
IF  sy-subrc = 0.
        wa_rp-/BIC/ZDAY_END = 
'Day 1'
        wa_rp-/BIC/ZPPD_PR = wa_sp-/bic/ZPPD_DY1.

        wa_rp-/BIC/ZDAY_END = 
'Day 2'
        wa_rp-/BIC/ZPPD_PR = wa_sp-/bic/ZPPD_DY2.

        wa_rp-/BIC/ZDAY_END = 
'Day 3'
        wa_rp-/BIC/ZPPD_PR = wa_sp-/bic/ZPPD_DY3.

        wa_rp-/BIC/ZDAY_END = 
'Day 4'
        wa_rp-/BIC/ZPPD_PR = wa_sp-/bic/ZPPD_DY4.

        wa_rp-/BIC/ZDAY_END = 
'0ay 5'
        wa_rp-/BIC/ZPPD_PR = wa_sp-/bic/ZPPD_DY5.

Transformation looks like this:

Fig 3 : Transformation with Start and End Routine

Second Solution:

By using the Rule Groups
We can use the Rule Groups functionality to achieve the same what I did with Start and End routine.

  1. Create two new InfoObjects: Day Ending (Characteristics type and type CHAR with Length as 6 and Price Per Day (Key figure as Amount)
  2. Insert these InfoObjects Standard DSO
  3. In the Transformation between, Write-Optimized DSO and Standard DSO, click on Rule Groups and create one.
  • For day 1, give the name of the Rule group as Day 1, Map the Price Per Day 1 to Price Per Day and Hard code Day Ending as Day 1
  • For day 2, give the name of the Rule group as Day 2, Map the Price Per Day 2 to Price Per Day and Hard code Day Ending as Day 2
Follow the same steps for all other days.

Fig 4: Rule Groups

The data that looked like this earlier

Fig 5: Data in Write-Optimized DSO

Will look like this

Fig 6: Data in Standard DSO

I hope this will be helpful to somebody.


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